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Property Inspections: A Landlord's Guide to Long-Term Savings

When it comes to property inspections, having a certified professional on board is always the best course of action. However, as a landlord, there are key areas you can focus on during inspections to ensure the well-being of your property. We’ll highlight three crucial aspects that can save you money and prevent future issues.

1. Systems maintenance. The first area to pay attention to during a property inspection is the various systems that keep your property running smoothly. This includes plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems. Minor issues in these areas can escalate into major problems if left unattended. Simple tasks like replacing air filters and checking plumbing pressure can prevent clogs or septic issues. Prioritizing preventative maintenance on these systems can lead to significant long-term savings.

“Being proactive during inspections can save you money and create a safe and comfortable living environment for your tenants.”

2. Behavioral aspects. Beyond the mechanical systems, it’s crucial to inspect for behavioral aspects of your property. This involves checking for any violations of your lease agreement, such as pets in a no-pet policy or signs of smoking or illegal activities. Identifying and addressing these issues during inspections can help maintain a safe and compliant living environment for all tenants.

3. Exterior inspection. Lastly, conduct a comprehensive inspection of the property’s exterior, with a special focus on the roof. Ensure the property complies with any regulations if it’s part of a homeowners association. Leaks in the roof can lead to moisture, wood rot, and even black mold, causing significant problems down the road. Regularly addressing these exterior concerns can prevent long-term damage and maintain the property’s structural integrity.

For a more in-depth inspection, consider reaching out to a professional property management service. Feel free to check out our sample report for additional guidance. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email.
